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Enhancing MRI Brain Tumor Segmentation with an Additional Classification Network

Published in International MICCAI Brainlesion Workshop. BrainLes 2020, 2020

Brain tumor segmentation plays an essential role in medical image analysis. In recent studies, deep convolution neural networks (DCNNs) are extremely powerful to tackle tumor segmentation tasks. We propose in this paper a novel training method that enhances the segmentation results by adding an additional classification branch to the network. The whole network was trained end-to-end on the Multimodal Brain Tumor Segmentation Challenge (BraTS) 2020 training dataset. On the BraTS’s test set, it achieved an average Dice score of 80.57%, 85.67% and 82.00%, as well as Hausdorff distances (95%) of 14.22, 7.36 and 23.27, respectively for the enhancing tumor, the whole tumor and the tumor core.

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VinDr-SpineXR: A deep learning framework for spinal lesions detection and classification from radiographs

Published in Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2021, 2021

Radiographs are used as the most important imaging tool for identifying spine anomalies in clinical practice. The evaluation of spinal bone lesions, however, is a challenging task for radiologists. This work aims at developing and evaluating a deep learning-based framework, named VinDr-SpineXR, for the classification and localization of abnormalities from spine X-rays. First, we build a large dataset, comprising 10,468 spine X-ray images from 5,000 studies, each of which is manually annotated by an experienced radiologist with bounding boxes around abnormal findings in 13 categories. Using this dataset, we then train a deep learning classifier to determine whether a spine scan is abnormal and a detector to localize 7 crucial findings amongst the total 13. The VinDr-SpineXR is evaluated on a test set of 2,078 images from 1,000 studies, which is kept separate from the training set. It demonstrates an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) of 88.61% (95% CI 87.19%, 90.02%) for the image-level classification task and a mean average precision (mAP@0.5) of 33.56% for the lesion-level localization task. These results serve as a proof of concept and set a baseline for future research in this direction. To encourage advances, the dataset, codes, and trained deep learning models are made publicly available.

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VinDr-Mammo: A large-scale benchmark dataset for computer-aided diagnosis in full-field digital mammography

Published in Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2021, 2023

Mammography, or breast X-ray imaging, is the most widely used imaging modality to detect cancer and other breast diseases. Recent studies have shown that deep learning-based computer-assisted detection and diagnosis (CADe/x) tools have been developed to support physicians and improve the accuracy of interpreting mammography. A number of large-scale mammography datasets from different populations with various associated annotations and clinical data have been introduced to study the potential of learning-based methods in the field of breast radiology. With the aim to develop more robust and more interpretable support systems in breast imaging, we introduce VinDr-Mammo, a Vietnamese dataset of digital mammography with breast-level assessment and extensive lesion-level annotations, enhancing the diversity of the publicly available mammography data. The dataset consists of 5,000 mammography exams, each of which has four standard views and is double read with disagreement (if any) being resolved by arbitration. The purpose of this dataset is to assess Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS) and breast density at the individual breast level. In addition, the dataset also provides the category, location, and BI-RADS assessment of non-benign findings. We make VinDr-Mammo publicly available as a new imaging resource to promote advances in developing CADe/x tools for mammography interpretation.

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HouseCrafter: Lifting Floorplans to 3D Scenes with 2D Diffusion Model

Published in Arxiv, 2024

We introduce HouseCrafter, a novel approach that can lift a floorplan into a complete large 3D indoor scene (e.g., a house). Our key insight is to adapt a 2D diffusion model, which is trained on web-scale images, to generate consistent multi-view color (RGB) and depth (D) images across different locations of the scene. Specifically, the RGB-D images are generated autoregressively in a batch-wise manner along sampled locations based on the floorplan, where previously generated images are used as condition to the diffusion model to produce images at nearby locations. The global floorplan and attention design in the diffusion model ensures the consistency of the generated images, from which a 3D scene can be reconstructed. Through extensive evaluation on the 3D-Front dataset, we demonstrate that HouseCraft can generate high-quality house-scale 3D scenes. Ablation studies also validate the effectiveness of different design choices. We will release our code and model weights.

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Teaching experience 1

Undergraduate course, University 1, Department, 2014

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Teaching experience 2

Workshop, University 1, Department, 2015

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